Three-Legged Dog
Three-Legged Dog Pose , or Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana , is a strengthening variation of Downward-Facing Dog, where you lift one leg toward the sky. This pose strengthens the legs and hips while improving balance and opening the hips. It is also excellent for preparing the body for more advanced positions such as splits and inversions.
Correct execution and technique
Follow these steps to perform Three-Legged Dog Pose correctly:
- Start in Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), with hands flat on the floor and feet hip-width apart.
- On an inhale, lift your right leg up toward the sky, keeping the leg straight, with the toes pointing down.
- Make sure your hips are square and pointing toward the floor, and avoid letting your hips open too much.
- Actively press through your hands and stretch the spine to lengthen the body.
- Stay in the position for 5-10 breaths and repeat on the opposite side.
Common errors
Avoid these mistakes to improve your technique in Three-Legged Dog Pose:
- Opening the hips: Make sure the hips stay square to the floor, rather than letting them open out to the side.
- Too much weight on the hands: Distribute the weight evenly between the hands and the standing leg, and avoid putting too much pressure on the wrists.
- Hasty lift: Lift the leg slowly and controlled to maintain balance and avoid straining the back.
Modifications and Variations
To make Three-Legged Dog easier or more challenging, try these variations:
- Bend the knee: For a deeper hip opening, you can bend the lifted leg and bring the heel towards the hip.
- Flipped Dog: For an advanced variation, you can open the hip and let the lifted leg drop to the ground behind you, creating a backbend called Flipped Dog .
- Knee-to-Nose: From the lifted position, pull the knee forward toward the nose to activate the core.
Reps and sets
Hold Three-Legged Dog for 5-10 deep breaths on each side and repeat 2-3 times as part of your yoga sequence.
Breathing tips
Inhale as you lift the leg and exhale as you hold the position. Use each exhalation to deepen the stretch and lengthen the spine.
Visual examples and video guides
Here are two videos showing the Three-Legged Dog Pose in detail:
These videos provide detailed instructions to help you master the Three-Legged Dog Pose.