Reverse Tabletop Bag

Reverse Tabletop Pose , or Ardha Purvottanasana , is a yoga exercise that strengthens the core , shoulders and hips . This exercise opens the chest and stretches the front of the body, which can improve posture and reduce tension in the upper body.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Reverse Tabletop Pose correctly:

  1. Sit on the yoga mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  2. Place hands behind you with fingers pointing forward or slightly outward for support.
  3. Tighten the core muscles, press the heels into the mat and lift the hips towards the ceiling. Your body should look like a table top in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  4. Open up the chest and let the head fall back slightly if it feels comfortable, or look up for neck relief.
  5. Hold the position for 5-10 deep breaths and slowly lower your hips to finish.

Common Errors

Avoid these typical mistakes to ensure optimal form:

  • Lowered hips: Make sure to lift the hips high enough to form a straight line from shoulders to knees to activate the right muscles.
  • Shoulders drawn up towards the ears: Keep the shoulders down and relaxed to avoid tension.
  • Bent arms: Keep arms straight and steady to support the body and avoid strain on the wrists and shoulders.

Visual Instruction

Watch this video for a clear visual guide to Reverse Tabletop Pose:

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