Danish Sleeping Pigeon Pose
Sleeping Pigeon Pose, or Sleeping Pigeon Pose, is a deep hip opener that stretches the glutes and back muscles, and can help relieve stress and tension in the lower back. This position is particularly favorable for those who sit a lot during the day, as it counteracts stiffness and promotes flexibility in the hips.
Correct technique
1. Begin in Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
2. Bring the right knee forward towards the right wrist and place the ankle near the left wrist.
3. Extend the left leg backwards on the mat, with the hips parallel.
4. Lower your upper body forward, rest on your arms or place your head on the mat.
5. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 1-2 minutes, then switch to the left side.
Common errors
Incorrect hip position: It is common to let the hips twist in this position. Make sure both hips point straight ahead.
Overloading the knee: Avoid putting too much pressure on the front knee. Use a yoga block or blanket for extra support.
Lack of breath: It is important to breathe calmly and deeply so that the body can relax in the position.
Modifications and variations
For those who are beginners or have stiff hips, you can place a block or pillow under the hip for support. This provides a gentler stretch. Advanced practitioners can try bending the back backwards in a full Kapotasana for a deeper hip opener and back stretcher.
Number of repetitions and setsHold the position for 1-2 minutes on each side and perform 2-3 sets to improve flexibility in the hips. Breathe evenly and deeply while holding the position.
Breathing techniques
Breathe in deeply as you lower your body into the position, and breathe out slowly as you try to stretch deeper. Maintain an even breathing pattern throughout the pose for the best possible relaxation.